Veterinary Products

Giardia Ag TEST

One Step Giardia Antigen Test

Giardia is a microscopic parasite that causes intestinal disease. It can be transmitted by food or sniffing the cysts from the contaminated ground or by drinking contaminated water. The symptoms include diarrhea, excess gas, stomach or abdominal cramps, vomiting, weight loss, and nausea. Infected dogs tend to have excess mucus in the feces. Giardia can cause diarrhea in humans and can potentially be passed from dogs to humans. In the past, it was assumed that cats and dogs, along with wildlife, were known to give infections to humans. Genotype A can infect humans, dogs, and cats while B can infect both humans and dogs.

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  • I Specification

    Intended use Detection of Canine and Feline Giardia Antigen
    Storage 1-30℃ / 33.8-86℉
    Specimen type Feces
    Specimen volume 2 drops
    Time to result 2 drops
    Shelf life 24 months

  • I Components

    - Giardia Ag Test Device

    - Assay diluent tube

    - Filter cap

    - Disposable sterile swab

    - Instruction for use

  • I Procedure


  • I Interpretation


  • I Ordering Information

    Cat No. Product Type Package size Specimen
    E11RVA10 Giardia Ag TEST Device 1Tx10/Kit Feces