Veterinary Products
One Step Ready-DTM Test
Ready-DTM is a rapid diagnostic culture medium to facilitate and accelerate the determination of the presence of ogenic fungi in cutaneous specimens. These fungi are associated with tinea (ringworm) infection of the skin, hair, or nails. Ready-DTM is reported to be 97-100% accurate in the detection of dermatophytes. The most common clinical signs include any combination of hair loss, scaling, and erythema, with or without pruritus, and a wide range of non-dermatophyte skin diseases.
I Specification
Intended use Detection of Dermatophytes Storage 2-8℃ / 35.6-46.4℉ Specimen type Skin or Fur Specimen volume - Time to result 36 hours to 7 days Shelf life 12 months -
I Components
- 10 pouches each containing 1 medium vial (Dermatophytosis Diagnostic Medium)
- Instruction for use
I Procedure
I Interpretation
I Ordering Information
Cat No. Product Type Package size Specimen D10RVA10 Ready-DTM Medium 1Tx10/Kit Skin or Fur